121 FCU Blog

How to Know If You're Ready to Buy a House: 10 Signs to Look Out For

Written by 121FCU | Apr 14, 2023 4:24:00 PM

A house is a major investment and can be one of your most important decisions. Monthly rent payments can add up over time, landlord problems can arise, and often you’re not building any equity or wealth.

But before taking such a big step in life, knowing if you're ready to purchase a home is important.

Here, we'll cover 10 key signs to look out for that can help you determine if you're ready to buy a house.


How to Know If You're Ready to Buy a House

Buying a house is both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. You need to be ready to maintain and repair the property, make monthly mortgage payments, pay taxes and insurance, and manage any additional costs that come with homeownership.

While the right house in the right location at the right price can be a great opportunity for many people, it's important to ensure you're financially and emotionally prepared for the challenge of owning a home.

Before settling on a house to buy, it's important to make sure you have the necessary financial resources and stability. Below is how to know if you're ready to buy a house:


1. Stable Income and Emergency Fund

Before buying a house, ensure you have a steady and reliable income. Having a job that provides stable pay is beneficial in ensuring your mortgage payments are consistent.

A great way to determine if you have a reliable income source is by looking at your pay stubs. They should show you your take-home pay, which will help you understand how much disposable income you have.

Additionally, it is important to have an emergency fund saved up in case of any unexpected expenses or financial downturns. With an emergency fund, you won't have to worry about relying on credit cards or taking out loans to pay for necessary home repairs.

The best way to build an emergency fund is to create a budget and put aside monthly money. The amount does not have to be large initially; start small and increase when you can. The fund should only be used in cases of emergency.


2. Long-Term Commitment to the Area

Are you ready to settle down in one place for the long term? Buying a home is not like renting an apartment. You can't just move in a few months if you don't like the area.

It's important to take the time to research the area and make sure you are comfortable with the surroundings and that it meets all your needs.

To ensure you settle for the right area, it is best to research the market trends and be aware of any upcoming developments that may increase or decrease your home value. Additionally, to ensure they meet your lifestyle needs, take the time to visit local amenities, such as:

  • Grocery stores
  • Cafes
  • Parks

Consult with a qualified real estate agent who can provide an in-depth understanding of the local market and help you find the right house.

If you have children, it's also important to research the local schools and see how they measure up. The quality of the school district can have a huge impact on home values in an area, so it's crucial to do your research.


3. Down Payment Savings

One of the main expenses when buying a home is the down payment. It's important to have enough money saved up to make a down payment that is at least 20% of the total cost of the house. This amount will vary depending on factors such as your:

  • Credit score
  • Income
  • Other factors

Ensure you have enough money to cover the down payment and closing costs.

To avoid paying mortgage insurance, you may need to save even more for a larger down payment.

Mortgage insurance is an added monthly expense that protects the lender if you default on your loan. The higher the down payment, the lower your monthly payments will be.

For an FHA loan, the minimum down payment is 3.5% of the purchase price. For a conventional loan, the minimum down payment is 5%. Remember that you may need to save additional money to cover closing costs and other fees.


4. Good Credit Score

A good credit score is essential when you are buying a house. Your credit score measures your financial responsibility and helps lenders evaluate your loan repayment ability. Generally, a higher credit score means you will qualify for the best interest rates and loan terms from lenders.

To get the best mortgage rate, aim for a score of at least 620.

However, if you have a higher credit score (above 750), you may be eligible for the most competitive rates and terms. Additionally, you should make sure there are no errors on your credit report before applying for a mortgage loan.

To increase your credit score, you should:

  • Pay all bills on time
  • Avoid taking on too much debt
  • Reduce credit card balances
  • Check your credit report regularly

You should also be aware that improving your credit score could take several months, so if you want to buy a house soon, you should start working on it now. These steps will help you get the best mortgage rate and increase your chances of qualifying for a loan.


5. Low Debt-to-Income Ratio or No debt

Another important factor to consider when deciding if you are ready to purchase a house is your debt-to-income ratio, or the amount of your monthly income that goes toward paying down debt.

It's important to view the debt-to-income ratio to measure the ability to afford monthly mortgage payments and other costs associated with buying a house.

To calculate your debt-to-income ratio you must:

  1. Add the total monthly debt payments, including mortgage payments and other consumer debts like car payments, student loans, and credit cards.
  2. After you add your total monthly debt payments, divide that number by your gross monthly income (the amount you make before taxes are taken out).

Lenders prefer to see a debt-to-income ratio that is 36% or lower for borrower approval.

It is also important to have no existing debt when applying for a mortgage, which will be the most favorable route in getting approved. Having no debt will greatly reduce your debt-to-income ratio and demonstrate to lenders that you are financially responsible.

Overall, the lower your debt-to-income ratio, the more likely you will be approved for a mortgage.

If your debt-to-income ratio is too high, meaning there is not enough money left over after paying your monthly debts to cover a mortgage payment, you may need to pay down some of your existing debt before you can purchase a house. This could include paying off credit cards, car loans, and student loans, or getting a raise at your job to increase your income.


6. Ability to Cover Additional Costs

Buying a house is a major financial commitment. Beyond the down payment and monthly mortgage payments, other costs are associated with purchasing a home. Some of these additional costs include:

  • Closing Costs: These are fees associated with the loan process and can range from 2-6% of the purchase price.
  • Homeowners Insurance: This covers the cost of repairs or replacement in case of damage due to fires, storms, and other disasters.
  • Property Taxes: Property taxes are collected by local governments and vary widely depending on the location.
  • Home Inspection: This is conducted to look for any hazardous issues that could affect the safety of the home.

It's important to make sure you have enough saved to cover all of these expenses in addition to your down payment, monthly mortgage payments, and other debts.

If you don't have enough money saved to cover these additional costs, it may be wise to wait and save up more money before you purchase a home.

Having enough saved to cover the additional costs of buying a house will give you peace of mind, knowing that you can comfortably afford all the expenses of owning a home.


7. Savings to Cover Maintenance and Repairs

Owning a house also means taking on responsibility for making repairs and regular maintenance. As a homeowner, you may face unexpected costs - such as replacing the roof or a broken appliance. You should have enough savings to cover maintenance and repairs of the property in case of emergencies.

You also have to factor in the cost of any renovations you may want to do, such as remodeling a bathroom or kitchen or adding a deck. On top of that, you may need to pay for landscaping services to keep your property looking nice. It is best to have at least six months of living expenses if you need the money for unexpected repairs and maintenance.

For the monthly mortgage payments, you should ensure that your monthly expenses are covered and that you have enough money left over each month to cover additional costs. It can be helpful to create a budget so that you know exactly how much money is coming in and going out each month.

This will help ensure that you can afford all the necessary expenses associated with home ownership, such as mortgage payments and taxes, while still having enough money left over to cover maintenance and repairs.


8. Ability to Sacrifice Enjoyment for the Future

Buying a house is a major financial commitment, and ensuring you are financially prepared is important. It requires some sacrifice and discipline.

You should be able to make sacrifices regarding your lifestyle, such as cutting back on dining out or entertainment, to save money for a down payment and other costs associated with buying a house.


It's important to remember that owning a home is an investment in your future.


It is also important that you can delay gratification. You may have to sacrifice some of the things you want now to save up for a house, such as vacationing or buying a new car.

It's important to remember that owning a home is an investment in your future; if you can demonstrate the ability to make sacrifices now to save up for a down payment, lenders will be more likely to approve your mortgage application.

9. Urge to Build Equity

Buying a house is an opportunity to build equity and wealth. As you make your monthly mortgage payments, your equity in the property increases. Equity is the difference between what your home is worth and how much you owe on it.

As your equity increases, so does your net worth. Over time, you may be able to use that equity to upgrade the house or take out a second mortgage to pay for other expenses.

Staying on top of your monthly mortgage payments is important for your equity to grow. Making consistent payments will also help build your equity faster, so you can reap the rewards of your investment. In cases where you cannot make a mortgage payment, it's important to contact your lender as soon as possible.


10. You Alaways Wanted to Own a Home

Finally, it's important to remember why you want to buy a house in the first place.

For many people, buying a home is a dream come true; it's a chance to create stability and build wealth. Owning a home also gives you the freedom to make improvements and renovations to make it your own.

Getting overwhelmed with all the costs and responsibilities of buying a house can be easy. Still, keeping your end goal in mind will help motivate you to make the necessary sacrifices and stay disciplined.

As long as you are prepared for the costs associated with home ownership and have the discipline to save up for a down payment, you should be able to make your dream of owning a house a reality.


Join 121 Financial Credit Union Today!

Buying a house is one of the biggest financial commitments, but it can be rewarding if done correctly.

You should work with certified realtors and lenders to ensure you are in the best possible financial position when buying a house.

Joining a credit union like 121 Financial Credit Union can also help you reach your financial goals faster since we offer competitive loan rates and a wide array of products and services to help you prepare for the costs associated with home ownership.

We are here to help make your dreams of owning a house come true.