121 FCU Blog

5 Tips for Teaching Kids About Money & Why Starting Early is Key

Written by 121FCU | Sep 8, 2023 8:14:49 PM

Teaching kids about money is an important lesson to instill early on. Teaching children the value of money and how to manage it can set them up for success later in life.

In this blog post, we'll look at five tips for teaching kids about money and why starting early is so important. We'll also discuss how parents can use these tips to help their kids understand the value of money and financial literacy.


Why Financial Literacy Matters?

Financial literacy is crucial for everyone, regardless of age or income level.

It refers to the knowledge and understanding of financial concepts and the ability to manage one's finances effectively. 

So why does financial literacy matter, especially for kids?

First and foremost, financial literacy equips children with the necessary skills to navigate the complex world of money. By teaching kids about budgeting, saving, and investing, we empower them to make smart financial decisions as they grow older. They will have the knowledge and tools to avoid common financial pitfalls and build a strong financial foundation.

Additionally, financial literacy fosters independence and responsibility. Children who understand the value of money and how to manage it are more likely to make responsible financial choices.

They will learn the importance of budgeting, saving for the future, and distinguishing between needs and wants. These skills will help them become self-sufficient adults who can handle their financial affairs.

Moreover, financial literacy promotes financial well-being. Financially literate kids are more likely to have healthier relationships with money throughout their lives. They will be better equipped to handle unexpected expenses, make sound investments, and plan for long-term financial goals.


Why Starting Early is Key?

Starting early is key to teaching kids about money because it lays the foundation for their financial future.

The earlier children learn about money management, the more time they have to develop healthy financial habits and make smart financial decisions.

When we start early, we can instill important values like saving, budgeting, and responsible spending from an early age.

Teaching kids about money at a young age also allows them to learn from their mistakes and better understand the consequences of their financial decisions. They have the opportunity to learn through trial and error, and by making mistakes early on, they can learn valuable lessons that will serve them well as they grow older.

Moreover, starting early gives children a head start on building wealth and achieving their financial goals. By teaching them about saving and investing, they can begin to grow their money over time and take advantage of the power of compound interest. The earlier they start, the more time their money has to grow and accumulate.

Lastly, starting early is key because financial literacy is a lifelong journey. It's not something that can be learned overnight, but rather a skill developed and refined over time. By starting early, we can give children a solid foundation of financial knowledge that they can continue to build upon as they navigate their financial journey into adulthood.


1. Set a Good Example

One of the most effective ways to teach kids about money is to set a good example yourself.

Children are highly observant and learn by watching their parents and caregivers. If they see you making responsible financial choices and managing money wisely, they are more likely to adopt those habits themselves.

Start by practicing what you preach. Show your kids the importance of budgeting and saving by creating a budget for your family and sticking to it.

Talk openly with them about your financial decisions, such as saving up for a family vacation or buying a more affordable option instead of an expensive one. Explain the thought process behind these choices and how they contribute to long-term financial stability.


2. Use Real-Life Scenarios

Another effective way to teach kids about money is by using real-life scenarios. This will give them a firsthand look at how money is managed and the value of making conscious decisions.

Here are a few ideas on how to use real-life scenarios to teach kids about money:

  1. Grocery shopping: Take your child grocery shopping with you and involve them by asking them to help you compare prices, find discounts, and make budget-friendly choices. This hands-on experience will teach them the value of money and the importance of making wise purchasing decisions.
  2. Meal planning: Sit down with your child and plan together for the week. Discuss how planning can save money by reducing food waste and avoiding last-minute takeout expenses. Encourage them to consider cost-effective meals and buy ingredients on sale or coupons.
  3. Setting up a lemonade stand: Help your child set it up and guide them through budgeting, pricing, and selling. This activity will teach them about entrepreneurship, customer service, and the concept of profit. They will also learn the importance of saving a portion of their earnings and reinvesting into their business.
  4. Creating a budget for a family outing: Involve your child by including them while planning a family outing or vacation. Discuss the costs involved and let them participate by researching prices, comparing options, and making choices that fit within the budget. This will help them understand the importance of budgeting and making financial decisions based on available resources.

Demonstrating responsible money management lays the foundation for your kids to develop healthy financial habits that will benefit them for a lifetime.


3. Teach Budgeting

Now, let's dive into another essential tip for teaching kids about money: budgeting.

Budgeting is a fundamental skill everyone should learn, and it's never too early to teach it to our children.

  1. To begin teaching budgeting to kids, start by explaining the concept of income and expenses. Help them understand that income is the money they earn or receive, while expenses are what they spend on. Encourage them to keep track of their income and expenses, whether it's through a notebook, an app, or a simple spreadsheet.
  2. Next, help your child set a budget. Discuss with them their financial goals and priorities. For example, if they have been saving for a specific toy or gadget, show them how creating a budget can help them reach their goal faster. Guide them in allocating their income towards different categories, such as saving, spending, and donating. Encourage them to prioritize their needs before their wants and to be mindful of their spending choices.
  3. As your child starts implementing their budget, provide ongoing support and guidance. Review their budget with them regularly, discuss any challenges they might be facing, and help them make adjustments if needed. This hands-on approach will give them a real-world understanding of budgeting and the importance of managing their money wisely.

Teaching kids about budgeting early on instills valuable money management skills they can carry into adulthood. It empowers them and sets them up for financial success in the future. So don't wait; start teaching your kids about budgeting today!


4. Encourage Saving

Teaching kids about saving money is a lesson that will benefit them throughout their lives. By encouraging saving, we are instilling in them the value of delayed gratification and the power of building a financial cushion for the future.

One way to encourage saving is by introducing the concept of piggy banks or savings jars. This simple and visual tool allows children to see their money accumulate over time physically.

Set a savings goal with your child, such as saving for a special toy or a fun outing, and have them regularly deposit a portion of their allowance or any money they receive as gifts into their savings container. This will teach them the habit of setting aside money for the future and help them understand that saving money can lead to something they truly want.

Another effective way to encourage saving is by offering incentives or rewards. Create a savings match program where you match a portion of your child's savings when they reach certain milestones. This will motivate them to save even more and help them see the benefits of delayed gratification.

You can also encourage saving by setting up a savings account for your child and taking them to the bank to deposit their money. This will introduce them to the banking system and show them how their savings can grow with interest over time.

Regularly check in with your child about their savings goals and progress. Celebrate their milestones and achievements, no matter how small, to keep them motivated and engaged. By encouraging saving from an early age, you set your child up for a lifetime of financial security and independence.


5. Introduce the Concept of Earning

Introducing the concept of earning money is an important part of teaching kids about financial literacy. It helps them understand that money doesn't just magically appear, but it is earned through hard work and effort. Teaching kids the value of earning money can instill a sense of responsibility and a strong work ethic.

One way to introduce the concept of earning is by encouraging your child to take on small tasks or chores around the house in exchange for a monetary reward.

This could include setting the table, taking out the trash, or helping with yard work. By tying money to these tasks, you show your child that their efforts have value and that they can earn money by completing them.

You can also encourage your child to think about earning money outside the home. This could involve starting a small business, such as a lemonade stand or a dog walking service. 


6. Discuss Needs vs. Wants

Discussing the difference between needs and wants is important when teaching kids about money. In our consumer-driven society, it's easy for children to become confused about what they truly need versus what they simply desire. Teaching kids to differentiate between needs and wants can promote responsible spending habits.

Start by defining needs as the essentials for survival, such as food, clothing, and shelter. Explain to your child that these are the things we must have to live and be healthy. Then, introduce the concept of wants as things that are nice to have but not necessary for survival. This could include toys, electronics, and other non-essential items.

Once you've explained the difference between needs and wants, encourage your child to think critically about their wants. Help them understand that while it's natural to desire certain things, it's important to prioritize their needs first.

Teach them to ask themselves questions such as:

  • "Do I really need this?"
  • "Will it truly make me happier or improve my life meaningfully?"


7. Introduce Them to Investing

Introducing children to investing at an early age can help them understand how money can grow and work for them over time.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Start by explaining the basic idea of investing, which is using money to purchase assets that have the potential to increase or appreciate over time. You can use simple examples like investing allowance money into a piggy bank or savings account that earns interest. This will help them understand that their money can grow and multiply.
  2. Next, teach them about different investment options, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Keep it simple and age-appropriate, explaining how these investments work and how they can help build wealth over time.
  3. Encourage your child to participate by investing a small amount of their savings into a child-friendly investment vehicle, like a low-risk mutual fund or a stock from a company they're familiar with, such as a favorite brand or a company they enjoy using products or services.
  4. Finally, emphasize the importance of long-term investing and the power of compound interest. Explain how leaving their investments untouched and allowing them to grow over time can result in bigger returns. Encourage them to be patient and not get discouraged by short-term market fluctuations.

Introducing children to investing at a young age will give them a head start on building wealth and financial security. It will also teach them valuable lessons about patience, long-term planning, and the potential rewards of investing wisely.


8. Teach Them the Value of Hard Work

Teaching kids the value of hard work is essential to their financial education. By instilling a strong work ethic in our children, we set them up for success in all aspects of life, including their finances. 

One way to teach the value of hard work is by encouraging your child to take on household responsibilities and chores. Assign them age-appropriate tasks like cleaning their room, doing the dishes, or helping with yard work. Emphasize the importance of completing these tasks to the best of their ability and within the designated timeframe.

It's also important to recognize and reward your child's hard work. Praise them for their efforts and show appreciation for their contributions. This positive reinforcement will motivate them to continue working hard and take pride in their accomplishments.

In addition to household chores, you can encourage your child to take on other projects or pursuits that require effort and dedication. Encourage them to join extracurricular activities or clubs that align with their interests. This will teach them the value of commitment and perseverance. 


9. Teach Them to Set Financial Goals

Teaching children about financial literacy and how to manage money is important.

However, teaching them the skill of setting financial goals is also essential. This will help them financially and benefit other aspects of their life.

  • Explain what a financial goal is to your child: Whether saving up for a toy or a long-term goal like saving for college or a car, help them identify their goals and what they want to achieve with their money.
  • Break them into small goals: Breaking the financial goals into smaller steps is crucial. If the goal is to save $100, guide them to create a plan to save $10 per week by doing extra chores or setting aside part of their allowance. This will teach them the importance of breaking big goals into smaller, actionable steps.
  • Check on their progress: Regularly checking their progress toward their goals is necessary. Celebrating their accomplishments and milestones will keep them motivated. Teaching children to set financial goals will instill planning, discipline, and perseverance habits essential for financial success. Goals are flexible and can change over time. Encourage your child to adjust their goals as needed, which will help them develop skills of flexibility and adaptability, important skills for navigating the ever-changing financial landscape.


The Bottom Line

Teaching kids about money is an essential lesson that sets them up for financial success in the future.

When you start early and follow these tips, parents can empower their children to make smart financial decisions, understand the value of money, and develop lifelong financial skills.

Start teaching your kids about money today and give them a strong financial foundation for life.